Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Ancient Prophecy - Pounded By Our Sins Review

Ancient Prophecy - Pounded by our sins

Hi guys and girls and welcome to my next review. Ancient Prophecy - Pounded by our sins. Sitting in my room for sometime, I finally found the time to review it, so as promised here it is........

This week Ancient Prophecy celebrate 20 years, Pounded By Our Sins their first official full length has laid all on the table, with the chant of Metal is still alive and walking side by side in Christ, to the beautiful vocals of Jaqueline Kunz, with her rocking it from the word go, joined by Florian Kraus (guitar, back-vocals)Tobias Buss (guitar, main, back-vocals)Timothy Bostick (bass guitar)Lynn Neissner (drums).

Ancient Prophecy is a progressive melodic power metal band from Germany with a full blend
of fast paced melodic riffs and raging solos it really shows the longevity of the band, with it's tight and professionalism. Atmospheric keyboards are use quite frequently through the album which I believe gives it that extra lift for the fullness of the songs with Lynn Neissner blasting on his kit over working the double kick which tops it off just nicely, growls and sheiks are also found throughout the album.

Up to just recently German secular radio is starting to take notice of what they are trying to achieve, progressive metal especially with a female vocalist until only just in the last recent 15 years have been a trademark for some the greatest metal bands around.

Pounded by our sins is my favourite track, with everything found in almost every metal genre, from raging guitars that speak and over each other, to the groove sounds and even the speed of a black metal song. It has it all.

After 20 years you would think they would slow down, but my judgement is that this is just the beginning.


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